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Your studio for impressive photography

who am I / what do I do 😉

Well, what am I supposed to say about myself? There are certainly more interesting topics ;-). But I can offer you a few key data. Full name acc. Birth register is Andreas Möller. I was also born, namely in Hamburg on a sunny 10.8.67 ( shit, that was a long time ago ,-) ) At the tender age of 6 years I was forcibly resettled to Hesse, because my father was a banker and thus close to Frankfurt.

I came to photography at the age of 19, at that time I devoured everything there was on the subject of photography, even the driest & most boring textbook from the photographer’s apprenticeship. The virus photography had caught me.

Even today, photography is the most important thing for me, next to my 2 sons and my stunning girlfriend. Designing something, creating something, I think is beautiful. I love people photography as much as I love still life. The main thing is not bare, stupid photography, but creative work with light & shadow. Acquiring new techniques and creating my own creations, that’s what I want. It’s my passion.

I am completely self-taught, never attended even the smallest course. Learning by doing is my attitude. I took part in competitions 2 times in the navy when I was young, won both, was funny to watch, 4th place captain anyway, 3rd place captain anyway, 2nd place captain anyway, 1st place sailor Möller 😉

How did I come to my motto? There is no such thing as “unphotogenic”? In my early 20s I had a trade newspaper in my hands, with before / after photos of an American star photographer, mind you, at that time it was not Photoshop 6 Co what created the pictures, but style, make-up, clothes, light and the skills of the photographer. Ok with the photographer at that time already 1 photo cost about 1000$, we only dream of it today 😉 But the photos were awesome, previously unstyled women, where I say as a man…. nice..;-) but also not a bit more……………. then the finished portraits in the glamour look of the 50s movie stars, breathtaking beauties of a glamorous time, beautiful portraits of great women. At that time, I couldn’t get out of the amazement of what was possible with the few aids, and nothing was digitally embellished about it, simply impressive. That’s where I wanted to go, that was & is my goal.

This was the birth moment of my motto, there is simply no such thing as “unphotogenic”, but simply the wrong styling and the wrong photographer. Actually quite simple 😉

In addition to photography, I indulge in my free time .- …. of photography ;-), cycling, traveling, hiking and if your free time allows, relaxing for days, completely switching off in the “wilderness” while fishing 😛 so actually a normal guy, with his corners & edges: Just your Andi

Who can occasionally take himself in his arms, as a few of these selfies here should show 😉

So before I write more that no one reads anyway, I’ll leave it at that. If you have any questions about photography or me, I’m happy about every mail, but please give me a few days to answer 😉
Your Andi

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