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Photos we all need
In addition to all our special photo types, we also offer you the service of passport photos. I will come to application photos later.
Even though I find these biometric passport photos as a photographer generally horrible, you can make the most of the current regulations. Even if they go fast, I have a request: Call briefly if it fits or make an appointment. Because if you just come along like this, it can happen that we’re just stuck in another shoot and have to console you on later. We will produce both the biometric passport photos, which are mandatory for ID, passport, driver’s license and immigration office, as well as the nice version for sports passes, student ID. Etc. We are not allowed to edit them in this sense, but on request we can juggle something with colours and contrasts to make the skin more pleasant. From only 14€ / 6pc
Bei bettlägrigen / behinderten Personen kommen wir auch gerne zu Euch nach Hause
Bezug nehmend auf Seehofers Gesetzesentwurf nur soviel: Wir als Fotografen konnten uns erfolgreich wehren, es wird zwar eine Änderung geben, vermutlich, indem Fotografen zertifiziert werden und wir Euer Passbild direkt online ans Amt schicken, dies ist aber noch in ferner Zukunft. Aktuell ist von 2025 die Rede
Application photos are a very different matter.
This is a real shoot, even if it doesn’t take as long as with portrait photos. After all, it is the first impression your future boss gets from you. The human brain decidesonly 2/10 seconds, whether someone appears positive or negative. You can calculate what comes out of it if you apply a biometric passport photo, 😉 I often have people from the hr stake in the studio and then the topic of application photos is of course always the main topic. Very funny what you get told everything. I found the story of a judge at the district court wearing a bikini photo outstanding some time ago. 😀 I spare it to mention the exit 😉
Depending on your career choice and position, the application picture should be structured, from the outfit, to the pose, to the overall impression. The bank manager appears different from the trainee in the car workshop. We are also happy to advise you on clothes, styling. Here, too, our make-up artist can be booked with the appropriate lead time.
Normally there is also something “cheating” to have a nice skin, no one wants to see pimples in the picture. Of course, an edit must be discreet, you should finally recognize you again. And this discreet processing is also expected by the HR chiefs. Among other things, the hr chiefs also note the professionalism of the photo, how serious a candidate is.
In general, we have the possibilities to take paper photos, file or both, as well as unretouched or professionally retouched (which we generally recommend) With the file you get both the color and the Black & White version of your photos.
To conclude, think: You would be boss and have 2 applications on the table, one with passport photo, or private snapshot the other with an impressive, professional photo. Who do you invite to talk to first? Decides for yourself.
Since application photos require much more expertise, knowledge of people, experience in contrast to the passport picture, I make them personally, at a planned 1h time, please make an appointment with us here as well. Just call briefly and we can tell when it will work out in a timely manner.
Dates at 06184-930505 or via our online tool